1 OCEAN joins season 2 of the immersive podcast Plongeon
Plongeon is the immersive ocean podcast. Each episode tells the story of a scientific expedition to one of the 4 corners of the world with the best researchers in the marine world.
1 OCEAN joins forces with...
Global warming
The Noah's Ark of the deep, a future for biodiversity?
August 2022. After a particularly hot summer, amateur divers are warning about a significant mortality of gorgonians in the Mediterranean Sea...
Underwater forests, a challenge for humanity
From the mangroves of the Indian Ocean to the kelp forests of California to the sponge fields of the Antarctic continent, underwater forests offer a view of varied ecosystems, in the context of...
The great migration of life
The Sardine Run, a sardine migration in southern Africa, is the world's largest and best-known underwater wildlife event. Its spectacular appearance has inspired several documentaries...
The lagoon of hope
Coral reefs could disappear before 2050. Inevitably, the temperature of our oceans is rising, gradually leading to the decline of this exceptional ecosystem and directly threatening a quarter...