The purpose of the privacy policy is to introduce you to the way in which Fondation 1 OCEAN uses, manages and protects any personal information you may have transmitted to the company in the course of using its website: https: // This privacy policy is based on the obligations of the website publisher, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for everything concerning consent to the collection of personal data, the protection and security of personal data, respect for your rights to access, rectify, process, port and delete your data.

The 1 OCEAN Foundation's privacy policy may be modified according to possible changes in the legislative (RGPD), regulatory and jurisprudential frameworks that determine its evolution and application.

1° Collection of personal data

It is entirely possible to browse the website without disclosing your personal information to the website publisher, with the limits that this imposes in terms of access to some of the information and services on offer.

The provision of personal information (first and last name, personal address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) to the 1 OCEAN Foundation is mandatory if you wish to make a donation, receive a tax receipt, contact us or request information.

You hereby accept the principle of their collection for the purposes described in the forms and in the paragraph entitled "Purposes of data processing". The publisher also collects personal data through the deployment of connection files, in compliance with current legislation on the use of cookies.

2° Securing personal data

Fondation 1 OCEAN implements a variety of security measures to preserve the safety of your personal information:

  • use of state-of-the-art encryption to protect your personal data transmitted online,
  • Analytical cookies are used to count Internet users and analyze their behavior while visiting the website, in order to generate visitor statistics,
  • use of computers and servers in a secure environment to store and process your data,
  • restricted access to personal information for employees who need to perform specific tasks (managing donations, issuing tax receipts, etc.).

3° Processing of personal data

Fondation 1 OCEAN has a very strict policy on the handling of personal data, which consists of never transferring, lending, renting or reselling it to third-party organizations.

All processing of your personal data collected on the website is carried out directly by members of the 1 OCEAN Foundation team or its host foundation, the CNRS Foundation, authorized for this purpose.

You therefore accept the principle of processing your personal information for the purposes described in the contact and account creation/management forms, as well as in the paragraph below, so that we can better understand your needs in terms of products and services.

4° The purposes of data processing

Fondation 1 OCEAN processes your personal data manually or automatically for specific purposes:

  • Data collected via forms used to enter information on the website (contact form, donation form) is used to send tax receipts and to create or develop a commercial relationship.
  • The data collected when playing videos posted on specialized platforms is required to access these third-party sites and execute requests.
  • The data collected when using the social network access buttons is necessary to be able to execute the requests of these third-party sites.

5° Obtaining consent for data collection

For all types of personal data collection via its website, the 1 OCEAN Foundation uses mechanisms to obtain your explicit consent:

  • for acceptance of data collection when filling in contact forms,
  • for acceptance of cookies when the warning banner is displayed
    The 1 OCEAN Foundation saves the consent forms for the collection of personal data so that they can be made available to the CNIL and any other supervisory body on request.

6° Data retention period

The length of time your personal data is kept varies according to its nature and the technology used to collect it:

  • for all personal data collected by cookies, the maximum retention period is 13 months,
  • for all data collected via a form, the retention period will not exceed 36 months.

7° Transfer of personal data

Fondation 1 OCEAN does not transfer your personal data to third countries, whether inside or outside the European Union.

8° Authorized service providers

Fondation 1 OCEAN uses the services of authorized service providers to facilitate the processing of the personal data you use on the website.

9° Exercising the rights of Internet users

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés) of January 6, 1978, as amended, you benefit from a set of rights relating to your personal data.

by post: Fondation 1 OCEAN - 3 Rue Michel-Ange - 75016 PARIS
by telephone: 07 56 87 88 00
by e-mail: contact @

9.1° Right of access to data

Within the legal framework defined by the RGPD, you may at any time make a written request for disclosure of your personal data.

To do this, you can use the letter template created by the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés: https: //

9.2° The right to rectify data

Personal data legislation allows you to request the modification or rectification of incomplete, inaccurate or out-of-date information about yourself or a deceased relative.

To do this, you can use the model letter produced by the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés: https: //

9.3° The right to object on legitimate grounds

Within the legislative framework defined by the RGPD you may at any time object to the processing of your personal data on the following grounds:

- opposition to the use of data collected for commercial prospecting,
- opposition on legitimate grounds.

To do this, you can use the model letter drawn up by the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés: https: //

9.4° The right to data portability

Within the legislative framework defined by the RGPD you may at any time request to retrieve your personal data in an open, machine-readable format, in order to store it on another medium or transmit it to another information system for reuse.

To do this, you can use the letter template provided by the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés: https: //

9.5° The right to data deletion

Personal data legislation allows you to request the deletion of all your data stored on the 1 OCEAN Foundation website.

To do this, you can use the letter template provided by the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés: https: //

9.6° Processing your requests

Fondation 1 OCEAN undertakes to respond to your requests for personal data within a reasonable period of time, which may not exceed 1 month from receipt of the request.

Fondation 1 OCEAN reserves the right to refuse requests for data that are characterized either by a manifestly malicious intent or by a repetitive and abusive character.

9.7° The person responsible for personal data

Telephone: 07 56 87 88 00

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